Sunday, October 04, 2009

Uh oh, they've figured it out again!

A couple of years ago, I got up one morning with most of my joints sore and stiff, my elbows, my wrists, my shoudlers, my knees, hips and ankles.  After 3-4 weeks of it not getting better, I saw a rheumatologist.  She said (brilliantly) that all the joints above my waist had bursitis and all the joints below my waist were hurting because I'm overweight.  Funny how they all realized that at once ("Oh no!  We're FAT!") at the exact same time that I had an incredible epidemic of bursitis.  (Especially since I had just lost 70 pounds.)  Amazing coincidence.  (Are you feeling the sarcasm here?) 

Anyway, after a while it went away and now it revisits me occasionally, once every 4-6 months, I'll get sore all over and I don't know why.  Does anyone know what this might be?

It's not fun.


  1. Your 4-6 month time frame seems to coincide with seasonal changes. Humidity changes can especially affect every joint in your body until your body adjusts to it. One thing that is helpful is to keep drinking water to hydrate those joints. The other is to look for some herbal supplement to take on a regular basis to support the joints.

    Doctor's answers often do not make sense. Once, when I was dealing with eczema on my hands, the doctor informed me I was bending my fingers too much--go figure that one out.

  2. Maybe I'd better stop doing medical transcription so that I won't be moving my hands too much and protect myself from getting eczema!

  3. Jennifer7:58 AM

    I've got those feelings as well and have gluten intolerance and lyme. Could be your situation as well?

  4. Jennifer,

    I read something else that said I might be gluten intolerant. I 'm going to try going gluten free and see if I feel better.

    I have also had Lyme disease but thought I had it adequately treated. I may have to look into that too.

    Thanks for commenting!
