Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Taking it easy today.

I'm still feeling the effects of the night before last not sleeping. I'm tired. It's raining and might thunderstorm today so we cancelled the letterboxing at the park we were going to do with one of the homeschool groups. I want to stay home all day but the kids are lobbying for going to the library. We'll see. We might. I may get a burst of energy later in the day. Hey, it could happen.
Meanwhile, I'm going to take it easy and do the minimum for a couple of hours then see if I feel better.

In other news, for those who were wondering how the countertop paint works, here it is after a couple of months. It's chipping here and there, although I still think it looks better than the blue. We might do some sponging on it in another color to make the chipping less noticible now that the weather is cooler and we can open the windows to ventilate. We really need to set a date for that and follow through with it. (That's another one of my difficulties, procrastinating!)

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