Monday, October 05, 2009

Sleepover report and more.

The boys did great on the sleepover.  My boys retreated to their own beds to sleep and left our guests on the couches and the air mattress in the living room.  From the report I got, 2 of them slept pretty well and the other didn't sleep very well at all.  I know how he feels.  I didn't sleep until after 4:00 am for some reason myself and it's not because the boys were loud or anything.  They went to bed around midnight and were quiet from then on.  Now they are up, playing Wii and having breakfast before we go to the park.  I do think getting my kids to bed earlier tonight shouldn't be a problem.  :-) 

It's funny how my family has went from no sleepovers ever to having 4 guests in 1 week, but that's how I am.  I tend to decide something and then go for it.  My aunt has been telling me for years that I needed to spend all my time cleaning my house or just decide that I don't care if it's not spotless and have people over anyway.  Guess which one I decided on?  :-)

Does anyone know what this thingy is?  I came home last night to find it in my laundry room.  My husband says that it's a hedge apple and it repels spiders from the home. If it works, I want a bunch of them.  I hate spiders.


  1. We call them horse chestnuts. My 9 year old brought one home from a field trip and kept it in a lunch sack in her room. (She referred to it as a "brain in a bag.")

    She forgot about it for three weeks until we cleaned every crevice of her room, trying to uncover the strange saw-dusty smell I noticed. We found it gooping slime and sap all over her books and toy box, and crawling with larvae.

    So, just an FYI. If you use it to repel spiders, just don't forget about it for too long!
