Friday, September 25, 2009

A sleepover!

My kids hosted their first ever sleepover last night.  We've never had a child stay overnight before.  I know it's odd, but we were just shy about this for some reason, mostly because we didn't feel that the house was clean enough, but we've developed some better cleaning habits lately and the best way to keep it clean is to invite people over, right?  So we started out with a delightful young friend of my daughter's - luckily her parents were okay with the school-night thing since I only have Thursdays and Saturdays off and we've got something going on Saturday.  It went well.  I made them go to sleep at 1:00 and it seems they did.  Unfortuately for me, Freckles decided she needed to go outside at 6:30, so I'm already awake.  :-p

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