Monday, September 21, 2009

Organized? Not.

In some ways we are and some ways we aren't.  We need to go through all of our little stuff and find a home for it.  We've got 2 rooms with TVs and 3 computers that people can watch DVDs on and we've got DVDs all over the house.  We've got music CDs here and there and everywhere.  We've got over-the-counter medicines in both bathrooms, my desk, my husband's desk and one of the kitchen cabinets.  No actually 2 of the kitchen cabinets.  My husband puts things over the stove, but I can't reach that cabinet so I put things in the next cabinet over.  We've got to work out some kind of system so that everything has a place and then start putting everything in its place on a daily basis. It's hard to do if they don't have a regular place to be.

1 comment:

  1. I organize and organize. My trouble is getting the rest of the family to follow suit....
