Friday, September 11, 2009

No idea.

I've really got not idea what I'm going to do with today.  Yes, I realize that it is already here and I should already have gotten started on whatever it is I'm going to do, but I haven't.  I'm drinking coffee and re-reading one of my favorite books, "My Brother Michael" by Mary Stewart.  I'm almost at the end, about 15 more minutes and then I'll get moving.  I'm going to go to the library, the grocery and go over and see my parents, all of the things I wanted to do yesterday, but I was just tired and I don't think I'm going to wait until after we get done with school because then I'll be tired again, and rushing to get back in time for work.  I think we're just going to take the day off from school.  I may regret it later when we're trying to get all our days in, but that's one of the things I love about homeschooling, the flexibility.  I'm going to be flexible today. 

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