Monday, September 28, 2009

Deep thoughts or not.

I should post something intelligent on my blog occasionally, something besides what we are doing any given day.  I will give the daily update today, we're back to school and I've been doing my hour of cleaning which, today, has involved cleaning out the pantry.  I had the dreaded dead potato in the pantry.  Does anything smell worse than a rotten potato?  Ew.  I've got 20 more minutes and I'm thinking I might try to organize it a little bit too, while I'm at it. 

Since I don't have a lot of deep thoughts of my own today, I thought I'd share some writings by other people that I thought were interesting. 

Do we think more school is the answer?  More School

A blog about education on Psychology Today.  I read this one frequently.

One hour of homeschooling a day?  One Hour Homeschooling.   Also this site  One Hour Homeschooling 

This is actually kind of what we do.   We do an hour or two together, then the kids have some things they do on their own and we do a lot of unschooling type activities around here too, watching educational DVDs and taking field trips, browsing through a ton of books that we get from the library, etc.  Around here, unschooling means is that the kids learn about what they are interested in learning, which means my oldest learns a lot about guitar and video game design, my middle child studies art, beading and everything about animals/pets and my youngest studies a bunch of things about video games, legos and trading card games.  (For a child, play is work, right?)

Anyway, that's what our homeschooling has evolved into.  An hour or two of science, grammar, math and notebooking, a couple of hours of chores and other schooly assignments they do on their own and then they follow their own interests and read, read, read - at least until screen time.  Then, after screen time we read together. 

It seems to be working for us.

1 comment:

  1. I loved these One Hour HSing articles.......thanks for sharing!!
