Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Today we went to a teen event at a library.  The kids shared books that they liked and played games.  It went well, although not very many kids showed up.  Really, only the group leaders kids, but we're working on it.  We may have to move our events to a different day than Tuesday to avoid conflicting with co-ops in the group.  There are a ton of co-ops.   I've asked the director if she knows of a good date/time.  We'll see. 

Anyway, in other news, I finally called the no-kill shelter last night and the guy that I talked to basically told me that in order for them to take these stray dogs, we'd have to pay up front all the money that it would cost to feed them for the rest of their lives, plus life long veterinary care.   He didn't get to saying how much exactly, but did indicate that it would be something like the 'cost of a used car'.  I contacted animal control after that.  We tried.  We really did.   The kids are a little upset, but we can't take any more.  The dogs chewed the pool filter thingy, scratched the front door paint off and pooed pretty much everywhere, not to mention eating us out of house and home.   They're still here at the moment.

We didn't do school at home today because we were going out.  We meant to do a 1/2 day at home first, but no one was very perky this morning and we just didn't.  

1 comment:

  1. I ran across your blog today and thought you might be interested in my most recent post, Homeschooling Defense, at www.bedlamorparnassus.blogspot.com.

    I shared it with a friend of mine whose wife homeschools, and he appreciated it very much.


    Steve a.k.a. Magister Christianus
