Saturday, August 15, 2009

This, that and the other thing.

There's not that much going on here.  We finished 3 days of school.  The dogs are still here, but we may have found a place in a no-kill shelter for them.  I need to call them today.  I think I finally got all the math books ordered.  The kids won't be as happy next week.   I think it's going pretty well.   I'm glad I quit procrastinating about starting school.  Every year, I think I'll get the house completely cleaned, organized and spotless and then we'll start school, but it never works out that way.  Oh well, I guess it's passable.  I think maybe I need to accept reality?  School done in a  messy house is still done.  I've read that messy houses are good for kids brain development.  We're not talking filth, just a little mess. 

Okay, sometimes it's a lot. 

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