Sunday, August 30, 2009


I've somehow picked up a cold.  I don't think it's the flu because I'm really not aching all over and I wouldn't say that I feel terrible.  I have a runny nose, a scratchy throat, a cough and a fever, but it's not too bad really.  I'm working this morning because the new account that I am on is chronically behind and since I'm home sick, I answered the phone.  :-)  I'm typing while sipping tea and chicken soup and when I get done with those, I'll have another Cold-Eeze lozenge, although they really don't seem to be working this time.  They might be and I have them, so I might as well. 

I'm thankful it's not a big work weekend, I'm not really having to cancel anything, it's not a school day, the fair is over and I got the entire DVD set of House MD season 5 to watch while I convalesce.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. Emily and I are sick with the same thing. Jack NEVER catches ANYTHING.
