Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A little bit busy.

I went to the doctor today, about an hour away and when I got to the lobby of the building, I got out my phone to check the time and I had a voicemail. From the doctor's office. Cancelling my appointment, I had driven an hour for. So back home I went. I tried to get a quick nap but the phone rang 3 times so I gave that up. Then we went to Fazoli's with the homeschool group. I enjoy these dinners very much. We do it about once a month. The kids all talk and the parents get to talk and we end up staying a long time. Tonight we also went and got ice cream at a local ice cream shop that we'd never been to before. Now I'm trying to work, but as usual, the download is slow, so I'm blogging a little while it loads.

The plan was to start school tomorrow, but now I'll have to make the trip to the doctor AGAIN so I don't know. Maybe we'll get started before I go. I can't print our schedules because I keep getting the message "this document failed to print" and I'm very printed-schedule-dependent so I don't know how I'll work around that. Maybe our in-house tech support person will be able to address this tomorrow ... after he addresses the technical support issues my mom is having with her car. It's always something isn't it?

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