Wednesday, August 12, 2009

First day of school report.

Weird.  That's what it was.  My youngest son hopped out of bed and started his school list immediately and cheerfully.  The others also didn't whine, although they weren't moving as fast as he was.  He took all the books I had stacked by my desk and put them in the kitchen by my chair.  He got everyone's notebooks out of the homeschool shelves and stacked them by their chairs.  Then he kept asking me if I was ready to start.   All three of the kids were very cooperative and enthusiastic.  I guess the time was right, eh?

At one point during the day, my daughter actually said these words "Can't we do some more grammar?  I like grammar" 


  1. Did you ask them who they were and what they had done with your children? :)

    So glad it is off to a good start!!

  2. Yes, as a matter of fact, I did ask them that.

  3. LOL....too funny. That definitely WON'T be my youngest....bounding out of bed, happy to get started with school. She's already grumbling & I haven't even started yet. The other 3 are at that point.....kinda bored with all the summer stuff & at least willing to get started back with a routine.
