Friday, July 03, 2009

Planning without really thinking about it too much.

Since I've been spending so much time thinking in the back of my mind that I should focus on curriculum choices for the fall and not really thinking about it in the front of my mind, its actually been kind of good.  I'm getting some ideas of what I want to accomplish the next year. 

Oldest son.
Drivers Ed.
Studying for CLEP/Dantes tests one at a time.  I haven't decided which topics yet, but I'd like him to have at least some college done before he graduates high school, so that he can just transfer in to college once he decides what he wants to do. 
Whichever science kits we are all doing together, probably Home Science Adventures with notebooking.
Writing/Novel Way.
? Other duties as assigned. 

Writing/Novel Way.
Sequential Spelling.
Saxon Math 1/2 or 8/7 whichever she tests ready for.
Science kits with notebooking.
Language arts -haven't decided what to use yet. 

Writing/Novel Way.
Sequential spelling.
All about Spelling.
Handwriting practice.
Saxon math (as above.)
Science kits with notebooking.  (I really want this one.)

I have a lot of things that influence my choices, money, my husband's opinion, the kids whining (shouldn't let it, but it does), the amount of time that I think that I will have ... etc.   The good news about this plan, is I have most of this stuff already.  I want to get the science kit and I'll need to get some study materials for my oldest depending on which CLEP/Dantes test he's going to take. 

We may take a week at the beginning of the year and do that geography unit on Asia that I've been procrastinating about for who knows how long.  Hit it while my enthusiasm is highest. 

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