Friday, July 17, 2009

Finished for the day already.

We did the one wall, 2 coats and then we ran out of paint. We'll need to go to Lowes and get another gallon. The good news is that now we can move the microwave and the homeschool shelves back where they belong. That will help the morale around here a lot, getting everything out of the middle of the floor. The boys taped off the cabinets today, took down the curtains and did a few other things while we girls painted, so that area will be ready for us when we are ready to tackle it. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe in a couple of weeks. Who knows? Probably sooner rather than later, although if we get the furniture moved back, the drive to finish, finish, finish, will be a bit less.

I'll get the paint this afternoon and then we'll see how we feel tomorrow (at least one of us has a sore arm and knees that do not want to climb in chairs anymore!) We're supposed to go see the Harry Potter movie some time this weekend, but probably Sunday rather than Saturday, which would give us all day Saturday for painting.

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