Friday, June 19, 2009

Sometimes life comes at you fast.

My Dad's in the hospital today.  My brother took him up there last night.  He was feeling pretty bad last night but the report is that he feels much better this morning after IV antibiotics and breathing treatments, probably he has pneumonia, a common complication in people who used to smoke.  I'm here with the kids, one of the decisions my brother and I always have to make when these situations come up is who goes to the hospital, who stays with the kids, who stays with the spouse of the hospitalized family member (sometimes it's the kids), who has to take off work, etc.   Luckily, my brother and I get along really well and are able to communicate with each other and support each other.  I do kind of wish there were more of us though.  Sometimes we get spread a little thin.

Since I'm not at the hospital right now, I've been looking a little at my Rainbow Resource book.  I took it to the skating rink last night, but it was too dark to see it there, so I didn't get any more things circled.  I need to get some idea of what I want to do next year.  It feels a little bit overwhelming, but really I didn't have much sleep last night and I have a splitting headache, so that probably has something to do with it.  There are a few things I know I want to do next year, finish the Novel Way study, work on my youngest son's spelling, my daughter's writing and grammar, math for everyone, lots of cool hands-on science, Cleps/college credit for my oldest son and I want to incorporate notebooking back into our studies.  I've missed doing it this year.  So far, though, all the plans are fuzzy.  I've got pretty much nothing concrete, but I'll get there eventually. 

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