Thursday, June 11, 2009

Moving things around.

I've had my store at Cafepress for several years and it has been a mutually profitable enterprise for them and for me, however, this month, they've decided to cut profits of all their shop owners dramatically and so I'm in the process of moving all my inventory over to a different site, Printfection.  It's going to take a while but hopefully this will also be a profitable site.  I'm so angry at Cafepress, I could spit nails.  June is usually one of my better months, because of Father's day.  Yesterday, I made quite a few sales, which would have been about 50.00 on the old system, but was approximately 15.00 on the new pricing system that they have.  This follows them changing their bonus schedule a few months ago, which was a hit, but not as bad as this one.  It's very frustrating to have to do this. 

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