Saturday, June 13, 2009

It was just one of those days

today, where the day kind of gets away from you and next thing you know, it's 7:30 p.m.  I got up and did a little bit of stuff around the house, then set out to go to walmart and the library.  Right before I left, my brother called and asked if the kids and I wanted to go to a movie.  We saw Night at the Museum 2, which was very good.  Then, when we came out, my brother's car had an oil leak.  He managed to fix it with a little bit of help from us (driving him to the car parts store ;-).  Then we stopped by mom and dad's and I looked at the clock, 7:00 p.m.  Now we're home and it's 7:30.   Wow, today went fast. 


  1. Glad to hear the good report on the kids loved the first one, but thought this one looked like it might be a bit cheesy. Anyway...I'm sure we'll get it on Netflix when it comes out.

  2. Don't I just know the feeling! I had somehow missed out reading your blog recently and had a great time catching up. I'm so glad to learn about your son's progress in reading. It is so true: some children just learn differently and need their own approach. You sound like a great mom/teacher. Thank you for the homeschooling tips.

  3. Hi
    I left a comment but am not sure whether I actually posted it? You have a great blog!

  4. We've thought some about going to see the movie, but have been distracted. Thanks for the good report, and the reminder.
