Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Finishing the school year.

We've only got 18 days left to do, if I have counted right.  The problem is, I'm still not sure how to proceed.  I planned yesterday to work on our Language Arts book, but didn't do it, instead I went and got my hair cut and had my 12-year-old daughter highlight it.  It looks pretty good.  She may be able to have hairdressing as a career some day.   Then, I picked up my holds at the library and did some extra work at my job last night.  I have to take Friday off so I'm trying to get a little bit ahead before then.  Today, I really, really need to do my list and then get some school things done, but I also have a ton of other things I need/want to do!  I'll be glad when those 18 days are done and we can take a break from school.  There.  I said it.  I love homeschooling and I think it is the best thing in the world for our family, but I get tired and want some time off from it too.  I'm ready for summer.

1 comment:

  1. Waaa, and I still have to school through July! Theres nothing wrong with admitting you're glad its over. We all feel that way! :)
