Sunday, May 24, 2009

Cooking experiment.

The other day I was craving something sweet very badly and the only thing we had in the house that was sweet was some butterscotch chips. I did a search on butterscotch chips recipes. I didn't have any real butter for cookies and really needed to get groceries because we didn't have much of anything. Finally, I found a recipe that called for butterscotch chips, peanut butter and marshmallows, plus a couple of other things, melted and stirred together. I didn't have any marshmallows other than some blue peeps left over from Easter, so I threw those in. When the butterscotch "bars" were done, they looked a tiny bit weird, brown globs with bluish green sections of the peeps sticking out here and there. My youngest son came walking into the kitchen, looked at them and said "I am not being the guinea pig for that recipe!"

It tasted pretty good though. :-)

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