Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring break, spring cleaning, and thinking about summer.

Cleaning.  That's what we got done today.  If the kids are lucky, they'll get to do school instead of cleaning tomorrow.  :-)   We also made a trifle.  My mom asked for a low cholesterol cake for her birthday last week so I looked up online and discovered trifles, although I think the proper British ones have alcohol, ours involved layering of pound cake, whipped cream, vanilla pudding and strawberries.  Today's trifle involved banana pudding, bananas, whipped cream and nilla wafers.  It should be good.  It's chilling in the fridge now, waiting for us. 

Educational things we've done the last few days, are going to the library and getting books on art to go with our 4H art lessons, doing some more drawings and looking through our new telescope.  (Did I mention we got a free telescope from another homeschooling family?)  Anyway, the last few days haven't been education-less, though we haven't been doing school in the traditional manner.  I've got a couple of appointments tomorrow, so it will probably be Wednesday before we get back into the routine.  Oh well, we're still on target to get done the second week of June.

As usual this time of year, I'm thinking about year-round school.  I think some summer learning would be a good idea.  We may do some unit studies this summer.

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