Friday, April 17, 2009

Couple of interesting articles I've read lately.

This one is specifically about homeschooling and explains the "why?" part of it very well.   Homeschooling.

This one is about how kids teach themselves.  It's facinating.
Minimally Invasive Education


  1. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Love the minimally invasive learning article. I soooo agree with it. We unschooled (our version) last year and the results were amazing. I gave a little instruction on a couple of subjects and then provided ideas, materials and lots of time. The girls learned, bloomed, matured and this year all the things they struggled with when I was trying to "teach" them last year and then backed off from were the areas they grew in the most. I just needed to let them learn it their way, in their time and WOW! is all I have to say.

  2. Ganesh2:05 AM

    Homeschooling article is nice...

  3. Oh, I so agree with Pam in Colorado.......I backed off & did a whole year of Unschooling one year & it was awesome! It's the ONE year out of our HSing career that I really remember particulars about. I still continue to 'Unschool' in my own way even now. They learn SO much ALL the time if you just let them!!!!!!

  4. And I just wanted to add....(not bragging, I give God all the glory)....but just to say that it DOES work.....after all my years of HSing/Unschooling I have one son who survived & is in his second year at Liberty University...made the Dean's list last semester & has applied to the Honor's Program. So, kudos to all us HS moms!
