Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesdays are easier.

When we started the art class on Tuesdays, I took some things off of our lists for Tuesdays, so on the weeks we don't have art class, like today, we've got easy days.  I'm looking forward to an easy day.  Maybe we can get some of our fun/enrichment activities in and do some art, etc.

Hopefully, my mom's a lot better this morning.  I haven't called yet, so as not to wake them up.  They're retired, you know.  She's got some problems with some disks in her back and it was causing her a lot of pain yesterday.  She was better last night and hopefully a lot better today.

I've just started reading Pendragon, Book One, The Merchant of Death and so far it's pretty good.  My 16-year-old recommended this book to me.  The beginning is really weird and I dreamed about it about half the night, trying to figure it out, I guess, in my sleep.  The other half of the night I had nightmares - about the toilet overflowing. 

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