Thursday, March 26, 2009


T - Tunes - I've got the songs I downloaded for my MP3 player playing right now on my computer, so I've got my tunes.  ;-)

H - Happy about the fact that my Cafepress store is doing pretty good this week.  Hopefully that trend will continue.

U- Ugh.  It's raining and I have to walk because I have already used my freebie/excuse for exercise this week. 

R - Reading - Right now I'm still reading the first Pendragon book.  It's pretty good, although I think it's more my son's style than mine.

S - Still haven't gotten started on my work list today and I really, really should.

D - Don't have to work doing any transcription today.

A - Already dreading the weekend when I do have to work, at the hospital on Saturday and at both jobs on Sunday.  Only 3 more weekends after this one.

Y - Yay, only 3 more weekends after this one. 

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