Monday, March 16, 2009

My exercise routine.

I have been exercising for the last few weeks, but honestly, between me and my dear readers, it's only been about 5 minutes of lifting weights, good for me, I'm sure, but not really adequate for an exercise routine. The absolute latest news I've read says that to lose weight, you need to exercise 50 minutes a day. I decided to put 1/2 an hour on my list and go for a walk outside, gradually building up to 50 minutes. My birthday is next month and I'm asking for an MP3 player or CD player so I can get books to listen to while I walk. I also want my husband to make me a walking track in the woods. We have 12 acres here and I really don't like to walk on the road, especially if I'm going to be wearing headphones, so a nice little circle in the woods would be great. That way, the cats, dogs and kids can go with me and I won't have to worry about their safety either.

Anyway, this morning, I put on my walking shoes and went out at 11:00. I headed into the woods to look for a kind of flat area for my path. I'd been out there for quite a while it seems, when my daughter joined me. I asked her what time it was. She doesn't wear a watch either, so she said 'when I left the house it was 11:04" Great. 4 minutes. Then, after she and I had been walking for quite a while, my youngest son came out. He had a watch. 11:08. Sigh.

Finally, we made it to 11:30. It was actually kind of fun with the kids with me. We went almost to the top of the knob we live on. We saw a hollow tree and a tree that a woodpecker had made holes in, surprised some deer and discovered a bush with tiny leaves on it (Spring!!!).

Hopefully tomorrow I'll feel like I'm in better shape, since I exercised today. If only real life was more like The Sims 2. They exercise for an hour or so and suddenly, they are slim again.


  1. Boy, can I relate to this! Since starting home schooling (Jan last year) I gained 6 kg. (I think that's about 13 lbs). I ate less than before, but gained because I no longer had to traipse up and down the parking lot to my class to the playground (several times) to staff meetings etc. I park right in front of Tammy's house - their house is a double storey, but it still does not compare to the exercise I used to get as a teacher! Tammy has also gained weight so she and I have been doing water aerobics for three weeks now and I've lost about 500g (1 lb). The going is really tough, but at least the exercise is rather fun!

  2. Sigh...I need to get out here & start walking soon too. The days are definitely getting nicer.
