Sunday, March 22, 2009

I did it.

I finished Pride and Prejudice today through Daily Lit.  I'm not sure what I'll read next.  I have not read many of the "classics".  I only read the ones I had to, to get through school.  I remember reading The Diary of Anne Frank and The Outsiders (probably not a classic, but assigned.)  On Daily Lit, the classics are generally free and the newer books cost a little bit.  For example, there's a James Patterson book on the first page that is 9.95.  I believe if I were going to invest in a book, I'd like to have the book when I was done, if you know what I mean, not just 159 emails ... but maybe that's just me.  I don't have a book budget right now, so I'll read the free ones on Daily Lit, the free ones on the digital library and the regular library and just make do with that.  :-) 

1 comment:

  1. WooHoo! WTG on finishing Pride & Prejudice. Ashley finished it too last week & watched the movie. It was definitely better than Jane Eyre (the movie, I mean) Now, she's moved on to reading Romeo & Juliet.
