Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Field trip, etc.

The field trip was great yesterday.  We went to the Lexington children's museum (although that's not the actual name of it, but I can't think what it is!) and the kids had a great time.  Only 3 of the families from our 9 family homeschool group could go, but we'd already cancelled/postponed it because of the ice storm last month and we didn't want to cancel again, so we took 3 moms and 6 kids and went.  There was a school group at the museum but they were only there for about half an hour.  Our kids explored/played for 3 hours.  (Explorium! That's it!), then we went to lunch and then to a candy factory.  We got to see how they make the chocolates and got a free sample of a pull candy.  Delish.  Then we came home.  Thankfully, I had volunteered to take the boys (because boys wouldn't notice how dirty my van was) and the other van had the loud, noisy, singing girls.  Apparently they alternated between singing the Free Credit song and Elliott Moose is on the loose, until the mom turned on the Jonas Brothers CD in self defense!  The boys talked quietly and drew, played gameboys, etc., so I had it easy. 

Last evening, because I was having phone issues and couldn't get anything to download, I read the rest of Twilight. (It's a book about vampires that don't hunt humans, only animals, for those who don't know what it is.) I'm still not sure if I liked it.  It's, um, different, that's for sure, the whole being-in-obsessive-love-being-incredibly-frustrated-and-also having-the-object-of-your-love-BE-your-favorite-food-which-you've-been-denying-yourself-a-taste-of-for-100-years thing.  I'm just not sure I can go there.  Would my husband's life have lasted so long if he were made of chocolate?  I can't say for sure.

Back to life and school today.  I'd really better get started on my list!


  1. I don't get the whole Twilight thing.

    We are now only 15 minutes from Lexington. Gotta go to this museum!

  2. Now, I read all four Twilight books & loved them. Granted, I'm not over-the-top about them like my best friend.........she's read them ALL TWICE already & seen the movie at least THREE times. You know it's bad when your teen-age daughter says your best friend (30+ yrs.) is acting worse than a teen-ager about these books/movie.
