Monday, February 23, 2009

What I'm doing today.

I've been thinking about my Homeschool Stuff blog and trying to decide how to organize it better and I've decided to just make a new one for my homeschool links. I've got a couple of entries done this morning. Here's the link, Homeschool-Links. I'm going to try and do one page for each subject area. I'll do math or science next.

Also, I'm trying to get started back on my routines. I made new lists for everyone including myself and told the kids that if I don't do my list, they don't have to do school that day. (Of course they know they'll have to make it up later, but they don't care.) So that means that I'll be doing my housework and exercise routines in the morning each day. Hopefully.

1 comment:

  1. It is so hard to get it all done, I also need to get back to my excercise routine it been a long time!
