Monday, February 09, 2009

So much to do.

I don't have to work today but I have a huge list of things I need to do.  We're getting our kitten neutered tomorrow and she's got to spend the night in the house with no food after midnight.  We don't have any kitty litter so we need to get some.  I need to pick up some other things in town, make about a bazillion phone calls (you know how I love that) and somehow get school done.  On top of that, I slept in this morning and even though it's nearly 11:00 I'm still having coffee.  I've got to get out of that habit.  I need to adjust the hours of my telecommuting job now that I'm not working both  jobs, so that I'm not working until midnight.  I worked until midnight last night and that's my excuse for sleeping so late this morning.  I'd better get started. 

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