Monday, February 02, 2009

More of a pain now.

We're without power still. It's actually more of a pain right now than it was last week, because I have to go to work and we can actually get out so we've had a lot of things to do, only to return home to our house, which is only functioning at about 40%. Maybe not that much. We have a hot plate that I can cook on with the generator, but it doesn't work very well. I can cook on the kerosene heater if it is cold enough outside to run the heater. Same thing with heating water for a bath. It's just really getting old. My parents are still living with my brother and it's getting very old for them too.

1 comment:

  1. All my sympathy! I cannot begin to imagine how it feels to live in that cold without electricity! We never get snow where I live, but I lived in Montana as an exchange student 40 years ago, so I know what snow is like, In those days the Montana houses were warmer than our South African houses in winter. (We don't have central heating.)
