Friday, February 06, 2009

It's so wonderful being warm.

My parents are still living at my brother's house. They're doing okay. Their house is a special case because a tree fell on it and knocked the electric meter off, so we're not sure when it will be fixed. My mom is cleaning my brother's house top to bottom for something to do. I may have to move them over here for a few days before they go back home. ;-)

The other day we had our foster care recertification visit from the social workers. We're still not sure if we are going to continue but the recert was pretty easy so we're doing it and then we're going to try and decide later, when we're not under so much stress (if we ever get to that point). So, basically, we've just procrastinated on making the decision. Anyway, the new caseworker asked my kids this question. "If you get a foster kid in your house who is school age and they get to go to school and you don't, will you feel jealous?" The kids have laughed about that for days. No way will they feel jealous. They know what they are not missing. Been there. Done that. Really, really don't want to go back.

Anyway, we're warm now. We've got lights in the bathroom and everything. I've discovered that it is really difficult to put contacts in by lantern, candle or flashlight.



  1. Did they actually laugh in front of the caseworker or wait until she left? I wouldn't blame them for cracking up right then and there. What a hoot! Jealous? That's funny.

  2. They respectfully said that no they wouldn't be at all jealous because they like homeschooling but then later, they laughed about it a lot!
