Friday, January 02, 2009


We're better I guess. No one has barfed in about 20 hours. None of them are completely back to normal yet though. They've parked themselves in the living room, each taking a piece of furniture and making themselves comfortable with their blankets, their barf recepticles and their Gatorade. I still haven't gotten it (knock on wood) but I'm still worried that I will. I've managed to take a little bit of a break despite the sickness around me. I've watched most of season 4 of House MD and played the Sims 2 quite a bit in between waiting on the sickies and cleaning up some truly terrible messes, keeping the dishes and laundry done and doing a little routine cleaning. One of the kids has taken up residence in my favorite living room chair so I've had to tough it out in my room, at my desk or at my husband's desk in the living room. I should have been using this time to work on the new winter schedules and get a bunch of other things done, but I needed a mental health break, so as much as I could take it easy these past 3 days, I have and I've tried not to feel guilty about it, with some success.


  1. Glad to hear they are on the road to recovery. Sorry your down time was filled with icky matters. Sending hugs.

  2. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Sweetums and I succumbed the week before Christmas. Blech.

    Hope all are soon well and that you don't take it. Happy New Year.

  3. I am happy to hear you are all feeling better---but I am sure you are wore out.

    Relax. Do not do anything you do not have to.

  4. I hope everyone is feeling better! My daughter had a stomach virus on Christmas Day :(. I got a touch of it, but not like she had it! I hate dealing with stomach viruses.
