Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Okay, I'll try blogging today.  I'll see if I've got anything. 


We've been doing school this week.  We're working on an Africa study from CurrClick, last week's free product, or maybe the week before.  Anyway, it's going okay.  We still haven't really gotten going good since the break.  It seems to take a long time to hit our stride again. 

One funny thing, the kids were working on a thing yesterday about predators, scavengers and prey yesterday and my daughter wrote her definitions of each type of animal on her paper, but after every single one she wrote "(poor prey!)".  It was funny.  I wondered if, by doing a pre-printed worksheet unit if they would feel like they couldn't personalize it, but I should have realized they'd find a way. 

1 comment:

  1. That is funny. Violet always feels bad for the prey too.
