Monday, January 12, 2009

Back to School.

We're starting back to school today, kind of.  I printed out the lists and I've begun the nagging process to get them started on their lists.  I work on Mondays now so it's an independent study day mostly.  They have a list of things they can do on their own, but also their Dad is here to advise if they need help.  I didn't make new lists, I just printed out new copies of the old ones.  I just couldn't think how I wanted to restructure so I didn't yet.  I ordered All About Spelling for my youngest and I'll add that in when it comes and I also need to figure out what to do with the oldest now that he's finished the computer class. 

With the stressful month I've just had, it's been hard to get my mind on it, but we've been off from school long enough and it's time to get started again.  Tomorrow night we've got a homeschool meeting to try and plan field trips and outings for this spring and hopefully we'll think up some good things to do.  

I know I'm looking forward to the meeting.  I haven't seen my homeschool mom friends in almost a month!  A really good friend of mine emailed me this week and reminded me to ake care of myself and really I needed that.  I tend to put myself on the back burner when a family member is having a crisis, not sleeping or eating well, not doing much of anything for myself and the worst thing I did was neglected seeing as much of my friends.  I realize how much I need them, all of them; the church friends, the blog and email friends, the homeschool friends, the family and in-law friends and the lifelong friends.  Wow, you know when I think about it, I've really been blessed.  Thanks to everyone who is a friend to me.  I love you all.  If you do see me this week, please overlook the fact that I have also neglected my appearance this month and my eyebrows are getting way out of control and my roots are showing!


  1. We're just getting started back today too. I didn't even bother last week with Chris still at home. Figured I'd let them enjoy their time with him & we'd all start back to class at the same time. We're just easing back in this week with math & History. Need to get an ink cartridge so I can print stuff for our Nutrition unit.

  2. Thanks for visiting. It is a juggling act. Right now I only have 2 clients, so business is slow. It is a little harder to find childcare with the infant, but my mom has been very helpful so far. Going to the doctor next week for the baby will prove challenging, I don't look forward to that. I have a pretty tight schedule around here to keep us moving forward. I use a 4 week breakfast and lunch menu and the children can do almost all of that themselves. Everyone, even the 4 year old, has chores to maintain the household.

    I prefer school-aged children, but they called on friday late afternoon and had no other families available. He is such a sweet baby and very laid back.

  3. Anonymous6:20 PM

    We love you too. Andy Rooney brows and all. ;o)
