Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tuesday! It's finally here! Just not like I planned it.

The day I've been looking forward to, my day of rest. The first day I haven't had to go somewhere since, I don't even know when. Weeks ago. It hasn't quite gone as planned though, so far. I was planning on sleeping late, trying to get rid of these dark circles under my eyes and goofing off most of the day, but I was awakened at 5:30 a.m. by my middle child, as she wanted someone to share the stomach flu experience with her. I've spent the last few hours cleaning out her vomiting bowl and holding her hair back. Right now she's asleep and I'm hoping it's over, just an isolated event. (fingers crossed!) Just in case, Dad is bringing home some anti-nausea medication.

I was kind of thinking we might do school today but now we probably won't. The boys will be happy, assuming they don't get it. Doing school, even during the holiday break, is preferable to the stomach flu.

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