Thursday, December 25, 2008

It's probably your walrus.

Believe it or not, this statement made perfect sense this morning as my oldest son wondered what was in the bottom of his Christmas stocking and my daughter, who'd already found a chocolate artic animal at the bottom of hers, offered advice. He said "it's probably my WHAT?" It was funny, anyway.

We are having a good Christmas, although the adults in this family would like to find a way to get some sleep at Christmas time. Our youngest was up at 4:00 then 5:00 and around 6:00 he woke his sister up, who was whiny from lack of sleep and finally, I just let them open their presents and mom and dad went back to sleep for a little while. I've already set up a yahoo calendar reminder to myself, to ground anyone who gets out of bed before 7:00 a.m. next year!

I'm so glad my mom's home and out of the hospital to get to celebrate. We went there last night and my brother and I cooked dinner and had a very quiet low key celebration. Today, we're going to my mother-in-laws for brunch, something we look forward to all year.


  1. So was it his walrus?

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Hope you had a wonderful glad your mom was home!

  3. WOW!

    When we were kids we would be up at three and four in the morning. I remember mom-n-Dad getting out of bed and letting us have presents (all 10 of us), then she would make a big breakfast. It was a normal all day christmas. Getting up at 3or4 on christmas morning is...well...suppose to be.

    Now that I have kids....
    My hubby and I spend all night anxious and awake;too excited to sleep and the boys sleep longer than any other day of the year! I have had to wake them up on christmas morning!

    They are suppose to be too excited to sleep, not us. Heck we do not even give gifts to each other.

    How dare they sleep in on christmas.

  4. Yes, it was the walrus!
