Thursday, December 11, 2008

Clumsiness and other things.

I have been so clumsy the last couple of days. I know some of you are thinking so what's new, but even for me, I've been clumsier or maybe just less lucky?. I tripped in the kitchen yesterday and fell into the table and hurt my arm and my back. A shelf in the mudroom fell on my head when I was trying to get something off of it. I knocked our crayon bowl off the shelf this morning and it shattered and I had to clean up all the glass before I'd even had my coffee. (I have no idea why are crayons were in a glass bowl, my daughter did that at some point and we just left them.) I knocked over my tea glass yesterday. Monday, I spilled a Coke at work. Maybe I'm just not paying attention to what I'm doing. (!) Anyway, it rubbed off on my oldest son and he slipped on the back stairs and fell yesterday. He's pretty sore today.

As for homeschooling in the midst of all these calamities, yesterday, we wrote out observations about the bacteria and we grew crystals from borax on pipe cleaners and made Christmas ornaments with them. They turned out cute and I hung them on the tree this morning. I don't think they'll last until next year as the crystals tend to fall off. Anyway, they're pretty now. They sparkle in the tree lights.

Today, we're doing school, just the regular lists. I'm going to have to modify them again now that my work schedule is the way it is. It's hard to get used to. I'm not sure what to do with myself on the days that I'm home. I have a lot of things I need to do, but I'm not good at prioritizing. I need to work on that. Yesterday, I got some more shopping done but not all of it. Still not all of it. Maybe today?

One good thing that happened is that I requested a bunch of books at the library and yesterday they came in. Our library purchased 3 of them and got another one for me on interlibrary loan, so I've got some books to read. I love books. The most interesting one I have now is called The House That Cleans Itself. I've brought it home and hopefully now my house will start cleaning itself soon!


  1. OMG....LMBO.....I NEED that book too! Wouldn't that be awesome if my house would learn to clean itself?!!LOL

  2. After you teach your house to clean itself can you come teach mine???
