Thursday, December 18, 2008

Another crazy day in the neighborhood.

I had to take my mom back to the doctor today and we ended up being there for hours.  Honestly that bugs me.  I think they overbook their appointments.  When my kids were little, we found this pediatrician who would only take a certain number of patients (and luckily I worked at the local hospital or I wouldn't have gotten in!) it was very exclusive and you actually had to have an interview, but they treated us wonderfully and we never, ever had to wait.  We still go there, but now that particular doctor has retired and her replacement, though lovely and wonderful, does make us wait sometimes.  Still, not as long as my mom's doctor though.

Anywho, the kids did school without me again, I totally have not been able to get my house cleaned up all week and now the social worker who was not going to come this month, is going to come next week and my house is crazy messy ... and we've got a birthday party tonight and I've got to work all weekend ... I wonder if I could get a maid for Christmas? 

1 comment:

  1. You need a vacation! I hope the maid is under the tree...
