Monday, November 24, 2008

Why is it?

That during the middle of the night when I get up to go to the bathroom, I can think of about 10 blog post ideas, but in the cold light of morning, nothing? 

Let's see.  Hmm.  I was thinking about the dogs and how they want to go out if I get up in the middle of the night and if I don't immediately let him out,  Max will pace with his toenails going click, click, click, click on the floor until someone lets him out.  (like, for example, me.)  They want to go out about 25 to 30 times a day.  It drives us all kind of crazy but we'd rather err on the side of letting them out than having them have an accident in the house.  We'd install a doggie door, but we'd have cats in day and night and several of us are allergic to cats.  Living where we live, we'd probably also have possums, raccoons and skunks in the house.  Not good.  So we live with it.  In.  Out.  In. Out.  In.  Out.  Who let them out last time?  Does anyone love the dogs enough to let them back in?  (We all do, we just don't want to get up.)  Whose turn is it? 

This picture of them is last year, during the big snow.


  1. Our dog is starting to want out more and more. Of course, this morning she won't go out at all because it's raining...."sigh"!!

  2. Anonymous9:47 PM

    My spoiled girl, will go maybe 3 times during the day. Night time....totally different. She wakes me up at least 5 times to go out. Totally drives me nuts. She will only go out with me. If I ignore her, she will sometimes go back to sleep. Most times, it doesn't work. Oh well, who needs sleep anyways. Just a waste of time!! :)

  3. They make a doggie door that works only with a special collar for the dogs. I think it works via a magnet. I know exactly what you mean about the odd critters. We have a possum and raccoons that eat our outdoor cat's food. The joys of rural life!;-)

  4. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Reckon you'd notice one more cat? ;o)
