Monday, November 17, 2008

I've been tagged for 7 random facts about me.

1. I once wrote a book, a romance novel, and sent it to a publisher but it wasn't published. (It wasn't very good.) I may someday write a homeschool book.
2. I love to vacation and love to plan vacations. I plan a lot more than I ever go on.
3. I am cold natured and have a little heater behind my desk to keep me warm. In the summer, I go outside and sit in the sun to get warm. (We have central air and it's cold in the house.)
4. I like chocolate. (I bet that's surprising to everyone).
5. I have a group of friends, most of whom I've never met, that I have been emailing with for 11 years next month, ever since I found out I was pregnant with my youngest.
6. I have been a member of the Flylady group for several years. This has helped with decluttering, but it's an ongoing process with all the packrats I live with.
7. I love to read and hate to be without a book as I am now.

I was tagged by The Bishop's Wife.

I don't want to choose, so if you want to participate, you're tagged!

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