Saturday, October 11, 2008

This and That.

We're doing a little of this and that this weekend. My sister is visiting from out of state and is at my Mom and Dad's so we're spending a little bit of time visiting over there. There's a big art and craft fair in town and I'd like to check that out a little bit. I'm also working a little bit. I haven't given notice on my old job because the other day when the lady called to offer me the new job, I told her that I needed to call her back and let her know. Since she called almost a week later than she said she'd call, I'd given up and forgot all the questions that I was planning to ask. After I got off the phone, I remembered the questions and decided to take it no matter what, then I tried to call her back. It was only about 10 minutes later. Anyway, she didn't answer the phone and I got her voicemail. I've left several voice mail messages since then (1 per day) and she still hasn't called me back, so I'm starting to get a little worried. Hopefully, she'll call Monday and I can quit my old job and go on with my plans to aquire a work wardrobe, something I haven't had for a while.

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