Friday, October 24, 2008

Still feeling fine.

Other than feeling like I spent some time doing some very amateur sword swallowing, I'm fine. I guess I'll be back to work and everything else as usual tomorrow. I've kind of enjoyed the afternoon today, after it was all over and after I took some pain pills and had a nap, I worked up the energy to clean up the kitchen, cook some chili and enchiladas and now I'm watching house MD on my laptop while updating my blog and working on my Cafepress store. (You see what I meant the other day about switching back and forth a lot?)


  1. Glad you are feeling better, even if it means you don't get more days off. I vote to milk it a bit more and rest up. :)

  2. I'm just now reading this (Sun.)....sure hope you're feeling 100% real soon!!
