Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Lots of things.

Okay, this is one of the days when I have lots of things to say. There's no rhyme or reason to it. It's just one of the things that comes from being scatterbrained. I read the other day that people who switch from screen to screen on their computer all the time are not doing a good thing for their brain and it makes them more scattered.

That really explains a lot.

Anyway, without further ado, here are some of the things that have appeared in my scatterbrain overnight that I felt the need to blog about.

The cat that would run in my house and pee has disappeared. In retrospect, I think maybe her crazy peeing was kind of a cry for help and maybe she had kidney or bladder problems, but I didn't think of this until it was too late and she was gone. Now I feel kind of bad, but I still don't really miss her, sad to say. It's hard to miss a cat who pees on you.

Another cat story:
My Mom and Dad have 4 cats at their house, also outside, a collection of strays from here and there that they just started feeding. They've always had cats because I like them and Dad likes to give them clever names. Over the years they've had a succession of Toms, Big Toms and Little Toms and Even Tiny Tom. They once had a cat called Old Blue Eye because he (or she, I can't remember) had one blue eye and one green eye. Currently they have a Tom, Sasha (named by a grandchild), Cat of Many Colors (who is a calico, named by Dad) and one cat who has several names. Mom and Dad told my kids to name her so they started calling her Sally. Meanwhile, Mom and Dad forgot they told the kids to name her and started calling her Abby (after a cat we had a long time ago, of similar color, named Abner). Then, the kids and started reading the Hank the Cowdog books and started calling the cat Sally May after the lady in those books. So the cat is called Sally, Sally May and Abby. My daughter said the other day "We ought to call her Cat of Many Names."

Book recommendations:
We're still reading the Peter Pan series by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson. I can't recommend these enough. They're cute and funny and very adventure filled. Every night when I stop reading, I hear "No!" The kids don't want me to stop. "One more chapter!" "Please!!!" Last night I even heard a "no" from oldest son who is usually more subdued. They are very fun books.

I've been kind of unenthusiastic in my posts about homeschooling because I've had other things on my mind and not been very 'with it' with homeschooling. Fortunately, though, the curriculum we got this year is very good, we are settling in to homeschooling very well now after 5 years and my husband is very good about taking up the slack when I don't feel well (I had a really bad headache for 3 or 4 days last week). All that said, there is a lot of learning going on around here. We've been doing the Earth Science which is very good, learning about habitats, biomes, kingdoms, species, etc. and the microscopic explorations kit which is even better. We've been looking at all kinds of things under the microscopes, crystals, fabric, money and other things and we're going to start growing protozoas and looking at them. We've learned about similes, metaphors and oxymorons in our English Through Art curriculum. The younger 2 kids have been doing a measuring unit study from Math Mammoth and have been measuring everything in the house in inches, centimeters, liters, gallons, quarts, grams, ounces ... every way to measure. They've really enjoyed it. Meanwhile older son continues with Algebra 1, computers, and all that high school stuff. I'm planning on having him take some more CLEP tests this year, but I need to discuss when with him and his Dad and have him take some practice tests. So we are doing school even when I don't blog about it.

I think that's all for today. :-0

1 comment:

  1. Hey...come check out my blog...you've been tagged!
