Monday, October 27, 2008

A blank day!

There's nothing on the calendar today! I still have a week before I start my new job and only a couple of things on the calendar all week -- okay, 3 --- no 4. Nevermind.

Still, there's today. We can get the house cleaned up and get some good quality school work in today. We've gotten bogged down in our study of Learning to Write the Novel Way because my youngest son has so many characters to write character sketches for and since he doesn't write fast and I do his writing for him. It's kind of a long, drawn-out process. We may flesh out the remaining characters today, with me typing and him dictating. That may work better and faster for us and then he'll be caught up with the other 2 and ready to proceed. My daughter is loving this novel writing study and wants to do it every day. My youngest is convinced that he's going to be able to publish this novel and get startup money for his invention company that he's going to start. Hey, he may do it. He's got some interesting ideas. They all do. I'm interested to read their books when they get them done, hopefully next spring.

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