Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I had a job interview yesterday. The local hospital here was advertising for a transcriptionist so I went to see what it was about. Actually, yesterday's part was just a test to see if I could actually do transcription. I'm not sure I want to go out to work instead of working at home. There are good things and bad, either way.
I've never once had the option of not working, although I would like a break.

Good things about working outside the home and being an employee rather than an independent contractor:

I might actually get vacation days.
Hourly pay, so that if the computer is not working and I'm desparately trying to fix it, I'm still getting paid.
Fewer interuptions maybe.
Bosses to supervise me and make sure I'm actually working and not exceeding my goofing off goal.
Doctors who speak English (we have very few of those where I work now.)

Bad things about working there instead of here.
Really, really uncomfortable chairs.
Driving there/gas prices.
Maybe being unavailable to family when they need me. :-(

Just some things I'm thinking about. I haven't been offered the job yet, I have no idea what the pay might be or what the hours might be although I do know they'd be second shift so I could homeschool in the morning.

If they do offer it, I've got a lot to think about.


  1. Good luck! I hope you get the offer then you can decide what is best for you! I sometimes miss being at the office and sometimes am so glad I am home. I'd be no help in helping you decide! LOL

  2. For as long as I have known my girlfriend, she has transcribed from home.

    She recently purchased a chair and it cost her well over $1,000...I swear it. That is her livelihood, so I get it. She sits in that chair for close to 8 hours in any given day, if not more, and that is just work related. Not to mention homeschooling or pleasure items.

    I would give my eye teeth to work form home. I envy those who have that ability.

  3. Another plus for working from home. Everyday is PJ day! Good Luck, I hope you get the job...

  4. Will be praying that you make the right decision!
