Sunday, September 21, 2008

My clock.

I got a clock at a yard sale a few weeks ago because I had been wanting a clock that chimes. I love the sound of the chimes for some reason. The only problem is that this clock is confused. It is either several hours ahead or behind so it never actually chimes the right number of times. It does show the right time on the face, but the chimes do not match it. I find this funny so it's good for a chuckle several times a day. The other day at 2:00 it chimed a bunch of times and we all lost count. When it finally got done, my daughter said "I think it's fifteen o'clock.". :-)


  1. And now you know why is was being sold LOL! Cute post.


  2. LOL....thanks for the Monday morning laugh! That clock sounds like it belongs at our house!!

  3. That clock sounds wonderful! I wouldn't try to fix it. What a fun clock to have around!!
