Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Life and school.

Yesterday we got a full day of school in. It was great, but we probably won't achieve that goal today. I've got a doctors appointment and will be gone for 2-3 hours in the middle of the day. They'll do morning school with Dad. I'm not sure if we'll attempt afternoon school when I get back or not. It depends on my mood, how I feel, etc. (I've got a headache today.) We'll get it done eventually, 180 days. So far, we've got 14 days in, so I think we're doing okay.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm sure y'all will do fine! We started today.....very small start...math review & started our unit study on the Olympics I DLed from Currclick. We'll hit it full force about the second week of Sept....after our family reunion & BDs & family visiting is done.
