Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Day After Tomorrow

We're supposed to start school. I do feel like the time is right. I've been hearing the B word around here a lot lately, "bored". The kids are getting bored with summer and ready for school. We'll start and then we'll play it by ear with things like the state fair and camping and if we get our pool up, we'll do that in the afternoons instead of morning exercise. I need to make a library list I think. We usually only do one subject together and this fall we're doing 5 so it's a big change for me. I will need to see what books I need to get for Science and Geography, really I guess that's all. I doubt I'll need any language arts reference books.

I would have liked to have gotten the kids rooms thoroughly cleaned and the kitchen painted this summer, but if you've been reading this blog, you know what my summer's been like. We have made progress and I'm just going to put cleaning their rooms on their lists. I might even put painting the kitchen on my list, somehow or just wait until I get in the mood, cancel school for a couple of days and just do it. At the beginning of the school year, getting those 170 instructional days and 10 field/trip, noninstructional days in doesn't sound all that difficult. It's usually not until May that I start to worry about that, LoL.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to hear how things go for you!! Like you said, I do feel that the time is right....I'm ready, I'm just not READY, if you know what I mean. Get the oldest one settled into college life & then I'll be good to go with the others!
