Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Again to the state fair.

We had free tickets for today so of course we had to go again. These tickets included free parking and a free meal. I kind of felt like we'd seen most everything the first day and wouldn't really have that much to do today, but we found some things to occupy us for about 5 hours or so. We saw honey bees, produce, horses, cows and sugar gliders, did origami, made honeycomb candles, tasted sorgum for the first time, saw an alligator show, watched people making sculptures out of balloons, walked inside a house that had been built inside the fair building, rode the escalators about 5 more times and then the glass elevator once, rode the trolley twice and many other things that I can't think of because I'm too tired. I took my camera on Monday, but I haven't got the pictures onto my computer yet but I forgot to take it today. We had fun and we're tired now. I'm kind of ready for a normal routine.


  1. That's awesome that you got to go back again! Can't wait to see your pics.

  2. Wow! Your state fair adventures sound like so much fun!
