Thursday, July 10, 2008


T - Thursday. It's game day at the library and the kids have been going to VBS at a friend's church all week, so I'll probably take the oldest to game day and the other two to VBS tonight, part of my endless chauferring duties. It's also garbage pickup day and I remembered it this time so we put 2 weeks worth of garbage out today for pickup.
H - Ham. I baked my first ham yesterday. I had accidently bought one that needed to be cooked instead of a pre-cooked one. It turned out really good. Delicious, in fact.
U - Unnamed cat/Zelda. She's still living in the bathroom but I really want her to get moved outside today because she's doing a lot of yowling. It's actually a good sign, one I was hoping for, that she'd get attached to us and start to want our company. Now if we put her out, hopefully, she'll stick around and not take off on another long hike!
R - Rainbow Resource Catalog. I've been looking it through it again, making lists and dreaming. I wish I could buy about half the stuff in it.
S - Spending Fast. It's not going well because of the aformentioned going to the grocery every couple of days, but also because I keep hearing about these wonderful sales everywhere. School supplies. Summer clothes (which my daughter wears year round). I feel the need to go shopping. Can I resist? Should I?
D - Delays. We still don't have our pool up due to vacation, endless busy-ness and illness. I hope we get it up soon.
A - Anticipation. We've got a lot coming up, our first county fair 4H entries, hopefully our first ever camping trip, the state fair and we need to figure out when to use our free 6-Flags tickets.
Y - Yay! My youngest son is attempting to read his first Harry Potter book. A year ago, there would have been no way, but his reading ability has gone up by leaps and bounds this year. He's asked me to help him with about 3 words so far is all. I hope he can be successful. Once he can read those, he can read pretty much anything, I think.


  1. WooHoo on the HP books! Those are what really tripped middle son's trigger with reading too. He could read before, but just never had any real interest in it til he picked up the HP books. He's hooked now & on the third one already!!

  2. I love baked ham! But Mr. Incredible doesn't eat it so I don't make it just for me.
