Saturday, July 26, 2008


I finally put in my Rainbow Resouce order. It was kind of exhausting. Such a big catalog. So many things I want but not unlimited money. First I made a 3 page list of everything I wanted. Then I narrowed it down to one page. Then 9 items. Then I put those 9 items in my cart. Hmmm. Too much money. So I revised the cart again and again and finally got down to the 5 items I wanted most. Now I've got to start scheduling and planning, organizing and making lists. I kind of like doing that stuff and kind of don't because at first it seems kind of overwhelming. I've got several years experience now though, so I should be able to get one of last years lists and just plug in the new subjects.

A while ago my daughter asked me what I was working on. I said 'the new school schedule' and she said "Yay!" I guess someone else besides me is ready to get started.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:35 AM

    Can I borrow your daughter for this school year???
    Glad you were able to narrow it down. I have such a hard time with it!!! I visited the curriculumn fair and bought lots for under $70 so I am trying to use just that and some other little stuff I bought.
